Lessons and Classes - Turtle Tots UK Skip to main content

We are passionate about teaching baby and toddler swimming skills, water safety and lifesaving abilities at a pace that is right for your little one. Our parent and child swimming lessons are suitable from birth through to the age when your child is ready to swim independently (around 4-5 years).

Our award-winning swim programme is designed by industry experts and is child-led to suit their individual developmental stage. Every Turtle Tots teacher completes a rigorous training course to understand how babies communicate in their pre-verbal period and develop an understanding of how best to support their learning in this critical early stage of life. They are also skilled at understanding the progression toddlers and younger children make between the ages of 3 to 4 years and how they can best learn new skills throughout this time.

The skills we teach help children to build confidence both above and below the surface. Unlike other swim schools, much of the Turtle Tots swim programme takes place above the water and only introduces underwater swimming at a time that is right for your child.

Our lessons are great fun and include a unique combination of much-loved games and songs to ensure that your little one really enjoys the time they spend with you in the pool and develop a life-long love of water.

We pride ourselves on the exceptional experience we offer, both in and out of the pool. Most of our teachers and franchisee are parents themselves and have completed Turtle Tots swimming lessons with their own children, not only giving them the unique perspective of understanding how our parents and carers feel during their Turtle Tots journey, but the desire to deliver the same great experience they enjoyed with their own families.

The Benefits of Swimming

Baby and Toddler Swimming Lessons

Baby Swimming Lessons

Turtle Tots Baby Swimming lessons are ideal for children from newborn through to 14 months. It’s the perfect time to gently introduce your little one to the pool, develop their early swimming skills and begin their journey towards lifelong confidence in water.

It is at this stage that we build strong foundations, supporting baby’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development through carefully guided activities, games, and songs in the pool.

Turtle Tots Swimming Lessons

Toddler Swimming Lessons

Turtle Tots Toddler Swimming lessons are a natural progression from our baby swimming programme but is also suitable for child aged 14 months to 3 years who are new to swimming.

We really ramp up the fun during these key development months introducing lots of engaging activities to support your child’s swimming techniques, safety skills, strength, and confidence both individually, and as part of a group.

About Turtle Tots

Swimming Lessons for 3 and 4 Year Olds

Our fun and creative preschool swimming programme continues, offering your child the opportunity to develop their swimming strokes and essential life-saving skills further, naturally leading them towards independent swimming.

As your child starts to become more independent, spending quality bonding time with them in the pool is invaluable and helps their confidence and self-esteem to grow more every week.

Independent Children's Swimming Lessons

Independent Children's Swimming Lessons

When it’s time to move on from our parent and child swimming lessons for 3 and 4 year olds, our independent swimming lessons for children aged 5 to 7 years are a great way for your child to progress their swimming technique and continue to build confidence in the water.

Turtle Tums Aqua Natal Classes

Aquanatal Yoga Classes

Our Turtle Tums Aquanatal Yoga classes are the ideal way to prepare your body and mind for the arrival of your new baby.

Join other mums as we guide you through a series of stretching, relaxation and deep breathing techniques whilst being fully supported by the water’s natural buoyancy.